` The IPv4 Transfer Market: Current Trends - Interlir networks marketplace
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The IPv4 Transfer Market: Current Trends

In the world of internet networking, the value and demand for IPv4 addresses continue to dominate discussions, especially as we navigate the complexities of the IPv4 transfer market. With the continued delay in global transition to IPv6, the scarcity of IPv4 resources intensifies, creating a dynamic and highly competitive market.

Introduction to the IPv4 Transfer Market

The IPv4 transfer market operates under the scarcity of IPv4 addresses, a consequence of the internet’s expansive growth outpacing the availability of these finite resources. Businesses worldwide engage in trading and leasing IPv4 address space to sustain and expand their network operations. Currently, the average price per IPv4 address hovers around $20, highlighting the premium placed on this scarce commodity. The market’s dynamics are further influenced by regional disparities in address availability, largely dictated by the policies and distributions of Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

Trends in the IPv4 Market

Recent observations in the market point towards notable trends:

  1. Stabilization of Prices: The market has shown signs of price stabilization, particularly for larger address blocks. This suggests an equilibrium is being reached, though variations still exist based on block size and regional factors.
  2. Leasing Over Purchases: A shift from outright purchases to leasing IPv4 addresses has become evident, offering smaller enterprises a cost-effective alternative to address their fluctuating needs.

Recent IPv4 Block Transactions

Original BlockTransferred BlocksTransfer TypeDate

The above table showcases recent transactions illustrating the active trading and leasing occurring within the market (about 16 a day).

Factors Influencing the IPv4 Market

Several factors contribute to the evolving dynamics of the IPv4 market:

  1. Delayed IPv6 Adoption: The slow global transition to IPv6 continues to fuel demand for IPv4 addresses.
  2. Regional Variations: Differences in RIR policies and regional address availability impact market conditions and pricing.
  3. Market Speculation: Speculative activities contribute to price fluctuations and market dynamics.

Challenges and Opportunities

Acquiring IPv4 addresses presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses:

  1. Cost Barrier: The high cost of IPv4 addresses can be prohibitive, especially for smaller organizations.
  2. Investment Potential: The leasing market presents investment opportunities, with leasing becoming a viable strategy for addressing short-term needs without the high upfront cost of purchasing.
  3. Market Volatility: Navigating the market requires adaptability and strategic planning due to its volatile nature.

Future Predictions

Looking forward, several predictions can be made about the IPv4 transfer market:

  1. Increased Demand: As internet connectivity expands globally, demand for IPv4 addresses is likely to continue rising.
  2. Further Price Stabilization: With market adjustments and increased leasing options, price stabilization is anticipated, though regional disparities will persist.
  3. Continued Relevance: Despite the push for IPv6, IPv4 addresses will remain a critical resource in the foreseeable future.


The IPv4 transfer market reflects the ongoing challenges and adaptations within internet infrastructure development. Businesses navigating this market must remain informed and adaptable to leverage opportunities and overcome obstacles. As we anticipate further changes and developments, the importance of understanding current trends and preparing for future shifts cannot be overstated.

Understanding the current trends of the IPv4 transfer market equips stakeholders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions, ensuring sustainable and efficient networking solutions in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Evgeny Sevastyanov

Client Support Teamleader

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