` Navigating the Digital Future: IP Addresses and Their Evolution | InterLIR
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Digital future and IPv4 address

The Evolution of IP Addressing as an Asset

The concept of IP addressing as an asset has emerged relatively recently due to technical developments. While IP addresses have been a fundamental part of the internet for many years, the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses and the introduction of IPv6 have brought attention to the value of IP addresses as a resource.

The Market for IP Address Management Rights

IP addresses are not owned but rather managed through rights for making changes to registry entries. This has given rise to a market for the resale and rental of IP address management rights. Despite the absence of a clear legal framework, transactions worth significant amounts are being conducted, leading to uncertain legal and tax implications.

The InterLIR Platform: Establishing a Legal and Tax Framework

To address the challenges and risks associated with IP address transactions, the InterLIR platform has been established. It aims to systematize the processes and provide a comprehensive legal and tax foundation for transactions, ensuring the protection of all parties involved. The platform envisions IP addresses as objects of law, potentially opening up investment and settlement opportunities.

Transforming IP Addresses into a Full-Fledged Digital Asset

IP addresses possess properties that make them a valuable digital asset. Their global distribution, inherent value as part of a service, and subjective value akin to digital currencies position them as potential assets in the digital economy. The InterLIR platform seeks to collaborate with market participants and regulators to fully recognize IP addressing as a digital asset.

The Future of IP Addresses in the Digital Economy

IP addresses hold promising potential in the digital economy. As the demand for IP addresses increases, particularly in areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology, their value is expected to rise. IP addresses can uniquely identify devices and nodes, contributing to efficient data collection, authentication, and fraud prevention. The transformation of IP addresses into a digital asset opens up investment opportunities and paves the way for innovation in the digital economy.

Alexey Shkittin


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