` How big is the Internet? - Interlir networks marketplace
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How big is the Internet?

The internet is a colossal entity, not just in cyberspace but also in its tangible impact on our daily lives. But how do we quantify this digital behemoth?

A Digital Universe in Numbers

In January 2022, a staggering 4.95 billion individuals navigated the digital waves. That’s 62.5% of the global population! Web pages, the internet’s building blocks, have proliferated to over 2.25 billion.

Data’s Astronomical Horizon

By 2025, it’s projected that the global datasphere will balloon to an almost mythical size of 175 zettabytes. That’s the digital equivalent of a stack of books stretching beyond the observable universe.

A Tale of Two Protocols: The IP Address Space

IPv4’s finite space of 4.3 billion addresses seemed vast, until IPv6 expanded the horizon to an astronomical 340 undecillion addresses. While not all are in use, they symbolize the internet’s boundless capacity.

MetricValueYear Projected
Internet Users4.95 billion2022
Indexed Web Pages2.25 billion
Daily Emails Sent376 billion2025
Global Datasphere Size175 zettabytes2025
IoT Devices27.1 billion2025
IPv4 Address Space4.3 billion
IPv6 Address Space340 undecillion
Physical Weight of the Internet60 grams or 6 micrograms (varying)

The Internet’s Featherweight Championship

Would you believe that all the electrons contributing to the internet’s stored information collectively weigh about as much as a strawberry? This whimsical metric gives a physical sense to the digital world.

Traversing the Milestones of the Internet

From the concept of the “Galactic Network” in 1962 to the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses in 2011, the internet’s history is a tapestry of innovation and evolution.

Conclusion: The Internet’s Unfathomable Scale

The internet defies simple measurement. It’s an ever-expanding frontier of information, innovation, and connection, a testament to human ingenuity and an ever-evolving digital landscape that continues to shape our world in ways we are only beginning to understand.

Alexey Shkittin


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