` IPv4 Header Format Explained | Key Elements and Their Significance | InterLIR Knowledge
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IPv4 Header Format Explained

The IPv4 header serves as the starting point of every IPv4 packet and plays a vital role in routing the packet to its intended destination. This fixed-size data structure contains essential information used by networking hardware. The fields within the IPv4 header are listed below in sequential order:

IPv4 Header Format Overview:

  1. Version (4 bits) – Indicates the version of the IP protocol being used. Always set to 4 for IPv4 packets.
  2. Header Length (4 bits) – Indicates the length of the header in 32-bit words, ranging from 5 to 15 due to optional fields.
  3. Type of Service (8 bits) – Describes handling needs and packet priority.
  4. Total Length (16 bits) – Indicates the overall packet length in bytes, including header and data.
  5. Identification (16 bits) – Used for fragmentation and reassembly, assigns a unique identification number to the packet.
  6. Flags (3 bits) – Regulates fragmentation with “More Fragments” (MF) and “Don’t Fragment” (DF) flags.
  7. Fragment Offset (13 bits) – Indicates the offset of data in the packet relative to the original unfragmented packet.
  8. Time to Live (8 bits) – Specifies the maximum number of hops a packet can make before being discarded.
  9. Protocol (8 bits) – Identifies the protocol used in the data section, e.g., TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
  10. Header Checksum (16 bits) – Used to check the header’s integrity.
  11. Source Address (32 bits) – Contains the IP address of the sender.
  12. Destination Address (32 bits) – Contains the IP address of the recipient.
  13. Options (variable) – Optional field for additional information, like security and routing data.

This summarizes the key elements of the IPv4 header format.

Alexey Shkittin


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