` Residential proxy services - Interlir networks marketplace
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Residential proxy services

Residential proxy services provide users with IP addresses from real residential devices, offering increased anonymity and the ability to bypass geolocation restrictions. These services are offered by various providers, each with its own features, performance, and pricing plans. Residential proxies are used for purposes such as web scraping, accessing geo-specific content, and maintaining online anonymity. The cost of residential proxy services can vary based on factors such as the number of IPs, data usage, and service levels. These services are legal and can be integrated with third-party software and automation tools. When choosing a residential proxy provider, it’s important to consider factors such as traffic, proxy pool size, speeds, geo-locations, pricing, and customer support.

How to choose the best residential proxy service provider

When choosing the best residential proxy service provider, consider the following factors:

  1. Proxy Type: Decide between datacenter proxies and residential proxies. Residential proxies come from real residential devices, offering increased anonymity and the ability to bypass geolocation restrictions
  2. Proxy Network Size: Larger proxy providers offer more IPs, but this usually comes with a higher price tag. If your use case doesn’t require a big proxy pool, you can look for a company that targets small customers
  3. Pricing: Consider the cost per gigabyte and look for providers that offer discounts for yearly subscriptions
  4. Avoid Free or Shady Services: Free or shady services may compromise security and reliability, affecting your online activities
  1. Provider Reputation and Reliability: Look for reviews and testimonials from current and past clients to gauge the provider’s reputation. Additionally, the provider should be reliable in terms of uptime and response time to any technical issues
  2. Proxy Capabilities: Consider factors such as response time, IP pool size, supported protocols, and performance when evaluating different providers

How to test the performance of a residential proxy service provider

To test the performance of a residential proxy service provider, you can consider the following methods and tools:

  1. Proxy Speed Testing: Use online services to test the speed of the proxies for your operations. Speed is a critical factor, especially for activities like web scraping and accessing geo-restricted content
  2. Proxy Location Testing: Verify the geographical location of the proxies using tools like whatismyipaddress.com to ensure they align with your specific needs, such as accessing region-specific content
  3. Proxy Verifiers and IP Checkers: These tools can evaluate proxy performance beyond simple tests, checking factors such as location, response time, anonymity level, and IP status
  4. Latency Measurement: Latency, or response time, is an important metric when testing proxies for performance. It’s essential to ensure that the proxies are responsive and provide a smooth browsing experience
  5. Speed and Latency Tests: Use tools like Speedtest, Pingdom, or testmy.net to measure the speed and latency of the proxies, ensuring they meet industry standards and your specific requirements
  6. Custom Scripting: Writing your own script to test the proxies can be a reliable way to assess their performance, especially in terms of response time and completion of requests

Popular ip checker tools for testing residential proxies

Some popular IP checker tools for testing residential proxies include:

  1. Hidemy.name Proxy Checker: This tool can detect the proxy type, precise location, speed, and anonymity level. It provides a list of proxies automatically collected from numerous websites, including private databases
  2. IPinfo, IP2Location, DB-IP, and GeoIP2: These are reliable sources for checking the geolocation and anonymity of proxies
  3. FOGLDN Proxy Tester: A desktop app that tests proxies by pinging the target server and displaying the response time in milliseconds. It supports different proxy authorization methods and can be useful for assessing proxy performance
  4. Proxy-Checker by ProxyRack: This user-friendly tool verifies proxy anonymity by confirming whether it conceals the user’s IP, thus protecting online privacy
  5. Proxydrop’s Proxy Checker: This tool provides detailed status reports on each proxy, including response time, ping, and status. It is easy to set up and use for testing proxies

The features and limitations




Hidemy.name Proxy Checker

Detects proxy type, location, speed, and anonymity level. Provides detailed status reports on each proxy. Can test proxies on specific websites.

Does not provide reasons for test failure, location, or type.

IPinfo, IP2Location, DB-IP, and GeoIP2

Check geolocation and anonymity of proxies.

Unable to test if the proxy works with specific websites. May not show the speed of the proxy.

FOGLDN Proxy Tester

Tests proxies by pinging the target server and displaying the response time. Supports different proxy authorization methods.

May not show how fast the proxy is.

Proxy-Checker by ProxyRack

Verifies proxy anonymity.

No specific limitations mentioned.

Proxydrop’s Proxy Checker

Provides detailed status reports on each proxy, including response time, ping, and status. Easy to set up.

Does not provide reasons for test failure, location, or type.


Universal checker with a built-in Proxy Tester. Can check for proxy servers’ anonymity and availability.

No specific limitations mentioned.

Evgeny Sevastyanov

Client Support Teamleader

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