` Innovative solutions to address the global IPv4 shortage - Interlir networks marketplace
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Innovative solutions to address the global IPv4 shortage


The digital revolution has led to a critical shortage of IPv4 addresses. We explore innovative solutions being implemented to tackle this challenge, ensuring the Internet remains accessible and functional.

The IPv4 shortage crisis

IPv4, with its 32-bit address format, supports around 4.3 billion addresses. Initially sufficient, the explosion of internet-connected devices led to a rapid exhaustion of these addresses.

The first indications of IPv4 address depletion appeared in the 1990s, raising concerns about the sustainability of Internet growth.

Evolution from IP address to CIDR

To extend the life of IPv4, Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) was introduced. This system allowed for more efficient allocation of IP addresses, reducing wastage and extending the IPv4 lifespan.

Network Address Translation (NAT) as a solution

NAT technology allows multiple devices on a private network to share a single public IP address. This has significantly reduced the need for unique public IPv4 addresses for every device.

Transitioning to IPv6

IPv6, with its 128-bit address format, supports a vastly larger number of addresses. It is being gradually adopted to resolve the IPv4 shortage and brings enhancements in security and routing.

Innovative market solutions

Platforms like InterLIR provide a marketplace for leasing and trading IPv4 addresses. This system helps redistribute IPv4 resources, making them accessible to those in need.

Automation in IP address management, as seen in platforms like InterLIR, optimizes the utilization of IP resources and offers a streamlined process for leasing or trading IP addresses.

Benefits of renting IPv4 addresses

Leasing out unused IPv4 addresses


The IPv4 shortage has necessitated innovative solutions. The transition to IPv6, combined with the efficient use of existing IPv4 resources through trading and leasing platforms, offers a multifaceted approach to address this challenge. These solutions not only alleviate the immediate scarcity but also pave the way for a more sustainable and robust Internet infrastructure.

Alexander Timokhin


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