` AWS Charging for Public IPv4 Addresses - Interlir networks marketplace
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AWS Charging for Public IPv4 Addresses

The digital landscape is continuously evolving, and with it, the infrastructure demands of cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS). A significant development has recently emerged: AWS has started charging for the use of public IPv4 addresses. This change, effective from February 1, 2024, marks a pivotal shift in AWS billing and resource management, directly impacting businesses and developers relying on AWS services.

AWS Announcement

AWS has announced a new fee structure for public IPv4 addresses. The charge is set at $0.005 per IP per hour, applicable to all public IPv4 addresses, whether they are attached to a service or lying idle. This adjustment applies across the board to various AWS services, including but not limited to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

AWS Public IPv4 Address Pricing

Public IP Address TypeCurrent Price/Hour (USD)New Price/Hour (USD)
In-use Public IPv4 address (including Amazon provided and Elastic)No charge$0.005
Additional (secondary) Elastic IP Address on a running EC2 instance$0.005$0.005
Idle Elastic IP Address in account$0.005$0.005

The Exceptions

Not all use cases will incur these new charges. The AWS Free Tier for EC2, for example, will continue to offer 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month for the first 12 months, a policy that remains unchanged since February 1, 2024. Additionally, addresses that users own and migrate to AWS through the Amazon Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) feature will not incur these new costs.

Strategies to Optimize Public IP Usage

In response to these new charges, AWS recommends several strategies to optimize the use of public IPs:

  1. Monitor Usage: Keep a close eye on your public IP usage to identify and eliminate wastage.
  2. Remove Unused IPs: Regularly audit your AWS environment to remove unattached or idle public IP addresses.
  3. Tagging Costs: Tag your Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) to streamline cost tracking and optimization in AWS Cost Explorer.
  4. Use Private IPs: For internal communication within your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), rely on private IPs wherever possible.
  5. Consider AWS NAT Gateways: This can consolidate public IP usage efficiently.
  6. Explore AWS PrivateLink: An alternative that allows private connectivity without requiring public IPs.

Embracing the Future: IPv6

AWS’s decision isn’t merely about cost-recovery; it’s a push towards modernizing internet infrastructure. The finite pool of IPv4 addresses is rapidly depleting, a situation exacerbated by the exponential growth of the internet. AWS encourages users to adopt IPv6, offering long-term benefits and sidestepping the IPv4 scarcity issue.


The implementation of charges for public IPv4 addresses by AWS signifies a considerable shift in the cloud computing domain. While initially surprising, this move underlines the urgent need for more sustainable and efficient use of internet resources. By adopting the strategies outlined by AWS and considering the transition to IPv6, businesses can mitigate the impact of these new charges while positioning themselves for future technological developments. This transition period offers an opportune moment for AWS users to audit their current usage, implement cost-effective measures, and embrace the next generation of internet protocol.

Alexander Timokhin


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